Dear Conejo Family, 

The season we will enter into from April 9 to April 17 is called “Holy Week”.  It begins with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. 

In this daily devotional, we will follow different individuals and groups who played an integral part in Jesus’ last days walking on earth, as told in Matthew, chapters 26-28.  We will look at how Jesus touched the people around Him, and how His life, death, and resurrection changed so many of them.  As we journey through this Holy Week together, our prayer is that we will find His life and His joy springing up in us as we understand that even death itself had no hold on Him! 

Each day of this devotional is written by some wonderful members of our church family. Please set aside some time each day during Holy Week to read, to listen and to spend time with King Jesus!  He is waiting for you…

In love and expectation, Pastor Kirk

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