I hope you had a blessed Labor Day weekend. We did for sure! We also had an awesome gathering at Conejo on Sunday. I launched into a new series on the 3 priorities of Conejo Church. The series is called “Word, Deed, and Spirit”. If you missed last Sunday, PLEASE listen and catch up. Actually do it! I shared some very important concepts about the direction and future of our church. Be ready for a surprise ending that you might enjoy. You can find it on Youtube, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify easily.
I can’t wait to see you this coming Sunday as I explain my passion for, and Conejo’s commitment to, “Word” as a huge priority. What is your relationship like right now with God’s Word? Think about it…
After the service we will have a big trip-tip bbq together so it will be a fantastic morning together. Please pray for a minute about WHO needs an invite to Conejo right now. If you ask, they might just show up. If they show up, their lives might just be changed.
Love to you all! Kirk
Conejo Family Life This Sunday!
THIS Sunday after the service. Please join us for some amazing tri-tip
grilled by Steve the BBQman. You. Will. Love. It.
It’s not to late to sign up to bring a side-dish or dessert!
Do that here:info@conejochurch.com
Spread the Word!
Have you thought about the fact that your review of Conejo might be the very thing God uses to bring someone into our community? What is it that you love about Conejo? How has God used our church family in your life? Write a few sentences and pray that God will use your words for His glory… Use these links to write a review
of Conejo Church for others to see!
Let’s spend an hour together seeking the Lord
and lifting up the needs of our community/church.
Please mark your calendar to be part of this strategic prayer launch.
For more info, contact Ryan Mayfield:info@conejochurch.com
Adopt & Pray!
How about drawing your whole family together to PRAY as an act of family service? We’re encouraging you to adopt a group of people and commit to praying for them through the Fall season! Who could you adopt? How about…
the medical staff at Los Robles Hospital
the firemen and women of a local firehouse
the homeless community in a particular area
the wait-staff at an eatery you like to go to
the check-out staff at your local grocery
the teaching/admin staff at your kids school
the elderly who live in a local care facility
Family Friendly Service Opps!
Food Gift Card Drive!
We are collecting restaurant gift cards to encourage Los Robles hospital staff members. It would mean so much to have a gift card to a local eatery so they could pick up dinner for their family on the way home from work.
Use the links here to buy directly from the places specifically mentioned by the Los Robles Staff. You can have them mailed directly to the Church PO Box (Conejo Church – PO Box 6953, Thousand Oaks CA, 91359), or send them to yourself to bring to church with you.
Small groups are the BEST WAY to grow in your faith,
develop your spiritual gifts,
and most importantly, experience meaningful community
within your small gathering.
It’s an essential for Christ followers.
Conejo Church Around the World featuring Kenji and Elizabeth Watanabe
Here is a quick update from Kenji & Elizabeth, some awesome members of our Conejo family who are serving the Lord in Japan.
* We are continuing to meet in abbreviated worship services and new people continue to come. Recently some immigrant workers from the Philippines have come and started worshiping with us on Sundays. They will join our small groups starting this week. * We are continuing to meet in small groups and one on ones for discipleship and fellowship in both Japanese and in English.
* I am using my background in counseling to reach international students and expats from Australia, Malawi, Canada, and the United States. These talks center around deepening our trust in the Lord, loving our neighbors as Jesus would, and stoking our missional heart and mindset for the city.
* Elizabeth is busy coaching via zoom with business-minded leaders in different open and closed parts of Asia including India, Malaysia, and Singapore.
We could use prayer in all of these relationships. The Covid infection rates and hospitalizations are at an all time high so we could also use prayer for protection and also flexibility.
Please use this email for any correspondence or if you’d like to join our update list.
Hello, Men of Conejo. Please join us for our
annual men’s retreat
at Lake Nacimiento!
Two spots just opened up. men@conejochurch.com
Women’s Lunch In the Park
Sept. 19 after church!
Bring your own lunch
and a chair or blanket
and join us for a few hours
of girl time! women@conejochurch.com
Prayer & Praise
How can we pray for you?
And how is God answering your prayers?
We want to support you
in this most important and practical way!
Text your requests and updates to: (805)222-7195.
Sunday Sermons Catch-up, Relisten, & Share
Miss a Conejo Sunday service?
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