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Hi Conejo Church Family,

I hope you are well this week and that you’re growing in your daily walk with Jesus.

I’d like to ask you to pray about a few things as you read this update.

  1. Pray for Afghanistan.  Pray for the testimony of so many believers there, as they face an unknown future.
  2. Pray for our hospital workers. It is an extremely difficult time for many of them as they are feeling the pressure of new mandates, understaffing, and rising covid numbers.
  3. Pray for our church.  That we will be a source of hope and truth to so many people in our community who aren’t sure where to turn right now.    Thank you for caring!!

This coming Sunday, I’ll be teaching about “Pace and Peace”.  How much did Jesus get done in a short amount of time?  How rushed do you think he was while he was doing it?  I believe that our frantic pace is very different from how Jesus lived each day.  I also believe it can keep us from abiding in him.   Check out these verses from Matthew 11 in The Message, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.”  Let’s learn from Jesus how to find peace in Him and how to find a Pace that allows us to hear his still, small voice.  We won’t just be talking about it, let’s experience some peace together…

Can’t wait to see you on Sunday.

In His peace,  Kirk

This Week @ Conejo

Tomorrow Night,
Aug. 20 @ 6pm

Ladies, it’s not too late to RSVP. We would LOVE to see you tomorrow eve! Bring an appetizer to share.

This Saturday, Aug. 21

We need 4 more volunteers
to help with gardening!
Saturday, August 21, from 9-12.
RSVP to:


Thanks for caring!

Conejo Youth & Kids

This Sunday, Aug. 22!

Calling ALL middle school and high schoolers! Join Pastor TC on the patio after the Sunday service for pizza, popsicles and fun!
We can’t wait to welcome
our new 6th graders!


This Sunday, Aug. 22!

Those who graduated to elementary
will go to their new classroom.
New 6th graders are

going to youth group! 


Conejo Church Family Life

August 20-25
The Cove
Asheville, NC

Our own Anne Barbour will be in  Asheville, NC, as guest worship leader for two conferences at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove.

Thanks for your prayers for her as she  serves Anne Graham Lotz, Rachel-Ruth Wright, and David Arthur.

Live-streams are offered
for these conferences.

Click below for more info:
Anne Graham Lotz/ Rachel-Ruth Wright

David Arthur

Men’s Ministries

Men’s Retreat
Sept. 30 – Oct. 3

Men of Conejo, join us for our annual men’s retreat!
We will be with 200 men from 10 different local churches
at Lake Nacimiento for an amazing weekend.

Conejo Community Groups & More

If you would like to join a Community Group, a marriage study, or a Rooted Group please reach out.  New groups are launching in September.  Please reach out to groups@conejochurch.com.  Small groups are the best way to grow in your faith and to develop your spiritual gifts. 

Conejo Church Around The World
featuring Mark Goeser from Hope Ventures

(Click here or on the graphic above to watch.)

Take a look at this video update from Mark Goeser,
one of our Conejo Church supported missionaries.
Mark was part of our Conejo Church leadership for over 6 years. He and his wife, Deb, now live in Pasadena and Mark does ministry around the world. 

If you’d like more info, check out hopeventures.org.

Prayer & Praise

We would LOVE to pray for you,
and celebrate with you
as God provides answers.
Text your requests and updates to:


Sunday Sermons
Catch-up, Relisten, & Share

If you miss a Conejo Sunday service,

here are several options for you.
Click below to be directed
to your favorite format:

  Vimeo      Spotify    YouTube 

Giving Opportunities

Mail Offerings & Tithes To:
Conejo Church
PO Box 6953 
Thousand Oaks, CA 91359


For online giving click here:

Conejo Church Contacts

General Information: info@conejochurch.com 
Prayer: prayer@conejochurch.com 
Community Outreach: outreach@conejochurch.com
Worship: worship@conejochurch.com
Conejo Youth: tc@conejochurch.com

Conejo Kids: kids@conejochurch.com
Community Groups: groups@conejochurch.com 
Men’s Ministry: men@conejochurch.com
Women’s Ministry: women@conejochurch.com





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